Home -> Partition Wizard -> Help -> Copy Disks

Copy Disk

  • There are several ways to initiate the Copy Disk operation:
  • 1. Select the disk you would like to copy » click Disk in the top menu » click Copy.
  • 2. Select the disk you would like to copy, click the Copy Disk button under Disk Operations in the Action Panel.
  • 3. Select the disk you would like to copy, click the Copy button in the toolbar.
  • 4. In any conditions, just click the Copy Disk Wizard under Wizard in the top menu.
    The process of Copy disk is listed below:
    • a. Selecting source disks (if using copy Disk Wizard)
    • b. Selecting target disks
    • c. Set the copy method.
  • Here are several copy methods:
    • a. Fit partitions to entire disk
    • b. Copy partitions without resize
    • c. Copy partitions with minimum size.
  • Copy disk requires that the source disk and target disk to not be the same physical drive. For operating systems such as Windows Vista/2008/7, only after using Copy partitions without resize would the computer boot from the newly copied disk.
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