Create partition method

  • The wizard will analyze computer disks and partitions. If the wizard finds unallocated space, you will see the Action Selection wizard page. It will ask you to select how to Create a new partition: using disk unallocated space or using existing partitions free space.

    Unallocated space is the space not used by any existing partitions. In contrast, partition free space is the space free from any data.

    To select partition creation method
    • Set the switch to Unallocated space if you want to create a partition using unallocated disk spaceThe wizard will offer to create a partition on the largest unallocated area. For example, if you have 5.0 GB and 12.0 GB unallocated areas, the wizard will offer to create a partition on the 12.0-GB area.
    • Set the switch to Free space of the existing partitions if you want to Create a new partition using other partition free space
    • Click Next to continue
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