Increasing partition free space

  • You might need to increase partition free space in some cases:
    • There is no free space to install new applications or store data
    • Some programs, like defragmenters, could stop working correctly if partition free space is smaller than a certain value

    Reducing system partition free space below a certain value might cause operating system problems. The Increase free space wizard will enable you to enlarge a partition using other partitions' free space. If there is not enough free space in other partitions, it can use unallocated disk space.

  • To increase partition free space (size):
    • Run the Increase free space wizard by selecting Wizards - Increase free space or a similar item in the Wizards sidebar list or by clicking Increase free space on a partition on the toolbar.
    • Follow the wizard steps:
    Select partition to increase
    Select partitions to take free space from
    Partition size
    Hard disk drive structure
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